Women's Nations and Genderfuck Neighborhoods Literature

A look at a genre of fiction that features the prominent, primary exploration of a world in which our dominant patriarchal paradigm is turned on its head. Often a background setting in a fiction otherwise set in a man's nation. The women's nation being of tertiary importance to the story is not what I'm looking at here. I am not going to put any effort into The Wheel of Time series, Dune, or the vast majority of Wonder Woman stories. This internet shrine is for fictions in which men are not present, are minor/low quantity/background characters, or are framing devices for the exploration of the (closed or isolated) society of women. This internet shrine will also be devoted to genderfuck neighborhood stories, where men may be present and major characters but only in a queer way. Time and publishing have allowed for more genderfuck neighborhood stories to be seen, but their smaller presence on this list as it grows is not an indictment of them or a personal preference for women's nations. Not all women's nations stories are genderfuck; some women's nations stories are transphobic.

Common tropes to the genre: man-killing plague, Amazons, questions of reproduction, sisterhood, "It would all be different," "It would all be the same," erasing transsexuality, utopia, dystopia, reverse harem, out for stud, lesbianism, the Divine Feminine, New Age

In some of these fictions, the dominance of men remains intact, but is at a distance, creating the subgenres of the Girl's School or Cloister. Girl's school and cloister-type fictions which do not feature a pronounced event or hyper-stylization of patriarchal power, and which reflect real-world patriarchy, are not of interest to me when I'm looking at WNGN lit.

Other related terms: gynecocracy, matriarchy, nunnery, single-sex society

I'm just starting this page! Here is the list of fictions that I feel belong in this genre and that I have an interest in analyzing.

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